
Your Guide to Cultural Fluency

Explore how language learning enriches your life and connects cultures.
Generally, Spanish conversations usually include greetings, introductions, and basic vocabulary such as numbers, countries, and more. We’ve covered these topics in previous lessons!
So to spice it up, we want to show you random phrases in Spanish that you don’t always get to read while studying Spanish books. By using these phrases you will sound more like a Native Speaker.

These phrases will be very useful if your wish is:  

Travel to a Spanish-speaking country.

Impress your friends.

Make friends who speak Spanish.

Live in a Spanish-speaking country.

You can memorize them and also personalize them according to the situations and contexts you may find yourself in.

Here you will see various Spanish Phrases

1. Seguro or Claro (Sure)

2.  Es verdad (That’s right)

3. Seguramente (Certainly)

4. Definitivamente (Definitely)

5. Es suficiente (That’s enough)

6. No importa (It doesn’t matter)

7. No es importante (It’s not important)

8. No es nada serio (It’s nothing serious)

9. Preguntales (Ask around)

10. Por si acaso (Just in case)

11. Ya la hiciste (You’ve got this)

12. Sin más preámbulos (Without further ado)

13. Tengo prisa (I’m in a hurry)

14. Ya voy tarde (I’m running late)

15. Tengo que irme (I’ve got to go)

16. Voy a salir (I’m going out)

17. Tengo que apurarme (I’ve got to run)

18. Qué duermas bien (Sleep well)

19. ¡Lo mismo te digo! (Same to you!)

20. Yo también (Me too)

21. No está mal  (Not bad)

22.  Tan pronto como sea posible (As soon as possible)

23. ¡Quién lo diría! (Who’d say)

24. ¿Qué haría sin ti? (What would I do without you?)

25. Pan comido (Eaten bread is the literal translation, but the meaning is as in English “piece of cake”)

26. Ya me hice bolas (I made myself balls is the literal translation, but what it really mean is: I’m confused, I already got mixed up, I don’t get it)

27. Cambié de opinión (I changed my mind)

28. No me retes (Don’t try me)

29. No me atrevo (I don’t dare)

30. Dame espacio (Back off)

31. ¡Ya quisieras! (You wish!)

32. ¡Cómo tu quieras! (As you wish!)

33. No le hagas caso (Ignore him)

34. Por encima de todo (Above all, above anything else)

We hope you remember the basic Spanish phrases, Review this every time you need to check on a phrase, and as we always recommend, try to find someone to practice with if possible.

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