
Your Guide to Cultural Fluency

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Do you want to improve your level of conversational Spanish?
What is the most difficult part of learning Spanish for you, is it speaking in Spanish because you are ashamed or insecure?
The lack of effective communication?

Here are 5 tips that you can start to put into practice by yourself, that will help you speak Spanish well.


To extend your vocabulary:

Expanding your vocabulary is important to speak Spanish well and make yourself understood. Without a doubt, reading books, newspapers, and articles will help you, but don’t forget to put into practice the new words you learn!

If one day you learn a new word or expression, imagine situations where it can be used and try to use it in the context of a real conversation. If you apply the new word or expression then you will memorize it and use it in future conversations.

One of the tricks to have a varied and rich vocabulary is to use synonyms of the most basic verbs such as hacer, decir, pasar, etc. For example, as synonyms for hacer: elaborar, producir, realizar, etc.; de decir: opinar, sostener, afirmar; de pasar: ocurrir, suceder, producirse, etc.

Besides reading, we recommend that you listen and be attentive to the vocabulary you hear in conversations around you…eavesdrop. Go on public transport or on the street for example. You can even write down words you might recognize but are not sure about the meaning, save it on your cellphone notes, and ask your teacher in class the meaning of those words. When you have the experience of listening to real conversation, you’re more likely to memorize the new word or expression easier.


To sound more natural:

One of the greatest tips you can apply is to use fillers (called muletillas in Spanish) when you speak. What are fillers? According to the DRAE, these are the words that, orally, “are repeated a lot out of habit.”

What are they for? Above all, we use these words as support, while we think about what we want to say (o sea, es decir, etc.); to seek the complicity of the person who listens to us (¿sabes? ¿entiendes? ¿me explico?, etc.), to conclude an idea: (bueno, en fin, etc.).

Using these words is a sign that you speak Spanish well because you do it very naturally. It shows that you think in Spanish and gives the perception that your fluency is much better.


To gain that trust in yourself:

A recommendation our teachers will always give is to not be afraid to make mistakes!

If the most important thing to you is that Spanish natives understand you, don’t be obsessed with correctness. Do not be afraid to make grammatical mistakes, because if you are afraid to make mistakes, you will not talk much, and in the end… The most important thing is that you start practicing and talking!

People will understand you even if you make some mistakes. To be very clear speaking Spanish well does not mean speaking it perfectly. That will come with time, for now in order to improve your fluency we advise you not to be too concerned with grammar correction, that’s what your teacher is for!


For Fluency:

Talk, talk and talk… Take advantage of any occasion to practice, as it is the best way to speak Spanish well. Practice with your teacher in class, if you travel to Spanish-speaking countries talk with locals and not just tourists, go to the local markets and get a buddy to exchange language with.

The more you make mistakes the more you learn, don’t forget that everyone has started to learn a new language at some point! Therefore, keep in mind that native speakers will value your effort to speak with the limited resources that you have.


To perfection:

If you are one of those who are not satisfied with autonomous practice and need a guide or perhaps you do not know who to practice Spanish with and prefer an expert to correct you, today is your lucky day!

We have specialized lesons with which you will enrich your vocabulary and confidence. You will learn to speak Spanish correctly and, above all, you will let go and allow yourself to gain fluency and confidence to speak Spanish well.




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