
Your Guide to Cultural Fluency

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The verbs Saber and Conocer, although they have a very similar meaning, are NOT interchangeable and are used with different senses and purpose, depending on the context.

Especially because in English the translation is the same as KNOW for both verbs, we wanted to share with you these differences and examples to make it easier to understand.


6 Easy Tricks to Understand the Differences Between SABER vs CONOCER 


When do you use Conocer?


1. Conocer is used to indicate that you have a relationship with a person, or when we have had some experience with a thing or with a known person:

Conozco a Juan.

Conocí a Víctor en la clase del lunes.

Conozco un parque muy bonito en la ciudad.


2. Conocer is also used to say that we have visited a place:

Conozco Italia

Diego conoce un buen lugar donde comer.

Este verano conocí la ciudad de Buenos Aires


3. Conocer it can also mean meeting someone (for the first time): 

Encantado de conocerte.

Yo conocí a Eduardo en la conferencia del año pasado.

Nos conocimos en clase de Español


When do you use Saber?


1. Saber is used to indicate knowledge of a fact:

Ella sabe quién va a ir a la reunión.

¿Sabes que Angélica tiene dos hijos?

¿Sabes qué hora es?



2. Often the verb Saber is followed by que, qué, quién, dónde, cuándo, cuál, por qué.

No sé qué almorzar hoy.

Juana sabe cuándo viene su suegro.

¿Sabes dónde están mis llaves?

Ella sabe por qué estoy feliz.

Ellos saben cuál ejercicio tienen que hacer.


3. Saber is used with skills (also learned such as driving, painting, etc. To express the ability to do something, then it would be said: Saber + Infinitive:

¿Sabes hablar portugués?

Mi hermana sabe conducir.

Ustedes saben hablar español.


Conocer vs Saber

Compare these 2 sentences:

No conozco la capital de Francia. (it means I haven’t been there)

No sé cuál es la capital de Francia. (it means I don’t know what is the capital of France)

Basically, the difference can be summarized as:

Conocer: Being familiar or acquainted with a person or a place.

Saber: Related to the knowledge of a fact or information. Have the ability to do things.

So here you have it! We hope these examples with help you feel more comfortable with your understanding between SABER and CONOCER. 
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