As you probably know by now, knowing more verbs plays a big part
in improving your Spanish skills.That’s why we started thinking about our daily routines, from morning to evening and decided to bring you this list of verbs. They include all the useful verbs in Spanish that you can use from the
1. Despertarse (to wake up)
2. Levantarse (to get up)
3. Hacer la cama (to make the bed)
4. Desayunar (to have breakfast )
5. Tomar un café (to have a coffee)
6. Ir al baño (to go to the bathroom)
7. Bañarse (to take a shower/bath)
8. Secarse el pelo (to dry my hair)
9. Lavarse la cara (to wash my face)
10. Cepillarse los dientes (to brush my teeth)
11. Peirnarse (to comb my hair)
12. Maquillarse (to put make-up)
13. Afeitarse (to shave)
14. Vestirse (to get dressed)
15. Ponerse los zapatos (to put shoes on)
16. Salir de casa (to leave home)
17. Ir al trabajo (to go to work)
18. Ir a la escuela (to go to school)
19. Asistir a la clase (to attend the class)
20. Llegar al trabajo (to arrive to work)
21. Empezar a trabajar (to start working)
22. Trabajar (to work)
23. Estudiar (to study)
24. Almorzar (to eat lunch/ to have lunch mid-morning or noon)
25. Comer (to eat)
26. Tomar un descanso (to take a break)
27. Salir del trabajo (to leave work)
28. Ir a casa (to go home)
29. Llegar a casa (to get home)
30. Hacer la cena (to make dinner/supper)
31. Cocinar (to cook)
32. Poner la mesa (to set the table)
33. Cenar (to eat dinner/supper)
34. Limpiar la cocina (to clean the kitchen)
35. Lavar la ropa (to wash clothes)
36. Ver televisión (to watch TV)
37. Escuchar música (to listen to music)
38. Hacer ejercicio (to do some exercise)
39. Publicar fotos en redes sociales (to post pictures on social media)
40. Hablar/platicar por teléfono (to talk on the phone)
41. Escribir un correo electrónico (to write an email)
42. Mandar un mensaje (to send a message)
43. Hacer la tarea/los deberes (to do the homework)
44. Leer un libro (to read a book)
45. Aburrirse (to get bored)
46. Acordarse (to remember)
47. Quitarse la ropa (to take the cloth off)
48. Ponerse el/la pijama (to put on pajamas)
49. Acostarse (to lie down/ to go to bed)
50. Dormise/Quedarse dormido (to fall asleep)
51. Dormir (to sleep)
52. Soñar (to dream)
53. Descansar (to rest/ to have some rest)
It is very useful to learn some phrases in Spanish to be able to explain how your day has been to someone. Try to put phrases and sentences together to tell what a normal day is like in your life. Describe your daily routine in Spanish to your friends and teacher for practice!